Discover the Sports Passion of Aran de Mingo

Explore how Aran de Mingo’s childhood in La Llacuna cultivated his deep love for the outdoors. From team sports to trail running, cycling, and hiking, Aran seamlessly blends his enthusiasm for physical activity with his appreciation for nature.

Tell Us a Bit About Yourself and How You Got into the Outdoor World

Growing up surrounded by nature in La Llacuna, Aran reflects on how his early experiences playing outdoors shaped his love for team sports and later evolved into a passion for nature-based activities.

Aran: «I’ve always been a huge sports enthusiast since I was young. Interestingly, my love for sports wasn’t inherited from my family, as my parents and sister have always been more inclined towards artistic pursuits. I have fond memories of spending countless hours playing outdoors in my village, La Llacuna. Over time, I found a way to merge my passion for team sports, like basketball, with my love for being in nature. Nowadays, all the sports I engage in are set in natural environments, whether it’s trail running, cycling, mountain biking, or hiking.»


What is your favorite adventure sport and why?

Between running in the mountains and exploring new places on a bicycle, Aran reveals his passion for outdoor sports and the connection with nature that it provides.

Aran: «Well, when I get asked this question, I always have doubts about the answer, haha. I acknowledge that I love running in the mountains. It’s probably the sport I enjoy the most, and at the same time, I feel more connected to nature. Although, I admit that mountain biking, road cycling, and, in recent years, gravel, bring me a lot of joy and allow me to discover many new places, travel, etc.»


Could you share your best memory or experience practicing this sport?

Among hours spent with friends overcoming seemingly impossible challenges, Aran highlights his best experience, emphasizing the concentration and connection that he can only find in this context.

Aran: «I admit that the best moments I’ve had are sharing this sport with friends for hours. Achieving challenges that seemed impossible and situations of maximum concentration while practicing them that I haven’t been able to experience outside of this context.»


What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the outdoor sector (or your sport) today?

Aran emphasizes the organizational challenge within Trail Running, with various federations and private circuits, calling for coherence to understand the sport.

Aran: «Organization. Trail Running has been a sport that has grown a lot in recent years; important circuits, sponsors, etc., have entered. Right now, it’s a sport where there are two interested federations and many private circuits that are even more powerful than the federations themselves. It needs order to understand the sport and to make everything coherent.»


What advice would you give to someone who has never practiced this adventure sport?

With practical advice and a call to enjoy the journey, Aran provides guidance to newcomers in outdoor activities, emphasizing the importance of taking their time and seeking advice on the right equipment.

Aran: «Well, enjoy the journey, don’t be in a hurry to reach milestones, take it step by step, and don’t try to do an ultra (> 42km) after two months. I also think it’s good to go with a group of people who can show you new routes, techniques, etc. Finally, by professional default, get good advice on the ideal equipment to start, especially when it comes to footwear.»


What Activity on the RocRoi Platform Would You Like to Try That You Haven’t Experienced Yet?

With a lingering curiosity, Aran shares his aspiration to try RocRoi’s rafting adventure, an experience that has remained tantalizingly out of reach.

Aran: «I’ve wanted to go rafting for a long time. It’s an activity I’ve almost done several times, but for one reason or another, I haven’t managed to experience it yet.»

Through Aran de Mingo’s words, the profound connection between sport and nature is revealed. From his childhood memories to countless hours spent with friends in the great outdoors, Aran embodies the idea that outdoor activities are more than just hobbies—they are a boundless source of adventure and a deep connection to the natural world.